Hello Everyone! With everything that is going on, I thought it would be great to take time to be intentional with focusing on our mental health. It is a hectic time of year for all of us and it would be great toshare some of the tools we employ to keep us balanced as women and keep us going as moms, wives, girlfriends, friends, sisters, daughters, coworkers, or just human beings existing on planet earth. Let's engage this month and like always the most engagements win. You can contribute to win as always $famifit2018. Share your thoughts, journal entries, scriptures, poetry, locations, hobbies, reading materials... whatever tools you use and links if you have them. I hope we end March better than we started! FYI I am no longer on FB catch me on my website teamblackgirlfitness.net
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I have been intentional daily on carving out time for myself. Today it wasn’t in my control. I was in the car for 2 hours in traffic. I could have been on the phone talking about people but I took most of that time reflecting on myself and a portion of that time praying with my sister. Prayer has become a refuge for me lately. It has become an escape from the world and sometimes from myself. Seems like the more I do it. The more I need to do it. 🙏🏾